Thursday, November 24, 2022

Call of Cthulhu Scenario. The Author

 For the Thanksgiving holiday I had the opportunity to poke around and find my old Call of Cthulhu notes from high school.  Evidently a younger Mr. Nightmares had written a one-shot titled “The Author.” I remember that this scenario was heavily inspired by at least one Tale of Terror article in The Unspeakable Oath. Tale of Terror articles in the early Unspeakable Oaths were articles describing scenario seeds and then usually three different ways a game master could make a full adventure from one seed.

I recall that a Tale of Terror presented the idea of a Dreamslayer monster who stalked its victims through their dreams.  Whether the Tale of Terror suggested that the Dreamslayer was a result of a curse of Cthulhu as younger me stated in “The Author”, I do not remember.  I do remember the ending for the one shot though.  The player, having suffered physical damage from being stalked by the Dreamslayer, found the waking world person who was the Dreamslayer and shot him through his office window before he could even speak a word in his defense. That lead to a restful night of peace.

Below are the seven pages of the adventure. “MU” stands for Miskatonic University.

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