Thursday, October 27, 2022

Mordheim PvP After Action Reports 2

 More Mordheim PvP shenanigans. This time between Ben’s Undead army and my Chaos warband. We each had 7 units: one Leader, two Heroes this time and four Henchmen.  We started off in an arc around our wagons on opposite sides of the map.  Again, we were deployed in a ruined neighborhood of Mordheim, but this time a three-story dilapidated manor house was to my north-east, surrounded in part by an iron fence just west of it.  I had chosen a random secondary objective, and we both ended up with Wyrdstone Rush, which simply is a race to collect the majority of the wyrdstone on the board.

My units started in a good position. A little over half of the wyrdstone was on my side of the board and there was a large cluster of stone on an open street in between ramshackle buildings and the iron fence I mentioned earlier. I aggressively seized the field, clearing out some treasure pockets with my forces broken into two formations.  My Magister Leader, Marauder Hero, and a Brethren Henchman archer comprised the western flank and made a moderate beeline for the wyrdstone cluster to my north-west.  My other three Henchmen, Darksouls all, were led by the Doomweaver and began approaching the abandoned manor house to the north-east.

My Leader Knarr preparing for battle

Now I should also mention that two of my Darksoul henchmen had lost weapons last conflict and were equipped strictly with daggers because I had forgotten to resupply them with proper weapons.  Despite this I still found them useful because the initiative bonus from the daggers brought them close to the top of the initiative track.  I was going to use the Darksouls as tanks anyhow and let the heavy lifting damage be done by my Heroes and Leader. That was the plan anyway.

As my Leader and associates group began to creep up on the wrydstone cluster, my other group lead by the Doomweaver began to converge with them.  I was wary of Ben’s dastardly Hero the Skaven Poison Wind Globadier (named Halfear) so my Leader ran up to the cluster, eagerly grabbed two wyrdstone shards and retreated into the safety of the rest of my forces.  As expected, Ben’s Globadier Halfear showed up and put a cloud of poison over the cluster to deter any further looting on my part.  As we eyed each other, one of Ben’s zombies walked out of the mist to take up a defensive position next to the Globadier. 

Mentally preparing to take down the nasty-nasty Skaven with my Magister Leader and adjacent Marauder, Ben made an observation. “Hey can you see the Daemon?”  “What Daemon?” I asked when suddenly a four-armed slavering Pink Horror galloped around the corner and engaged my Leader, the Magister.  Ironically, I was excited.  This was the first time Ben and I had seen a Daemon in action in a Mordheim player vs player conflict.  Eager to see what this thing had in store for us I engaged it with my Marauder Hero to back up my Leader.  “Uh, that’s a lot of hitpoints it has” I remarked as my Marauder sliced into it twice, deeply, and only knocked its health down by a sixth or so.

Then Ben unveiled his wicked plan. A second Poison Wind Globadier took the field. His name was Khan Something.  Soon my Leader, Marauder and the Daemon were surrounded by a dense cloud of poison gas generated by the dual actions of the two Globadiers. And that wasn’t the worst part.  Despite a desperate dodge, the Daemon ripped into both of my important units.  “Uh. So, it has three attacks per turn. Interesting.” I stated without a quaver of worry in my voice. 

My Leader and Marauder continued to be tied up by the Tzeentchian Horror, trading blow for blow, but constantly losing health due to the evil poison gas from the dastardly Skaven.  With a cry, both of my poor units were put out of action by the poison, just as the Pink Horror was about to die.  One of Ben’s Skaven took aim and finished the thing with a warplock pistol shot just as my Doomweaver was rushing to try to finish the threat.

 “I think I see a graphical glitch,” Ben said. “What do you mean?” I responded. “I see two Blue Daemons.” Right then my Warhammer lore kicked in very belatedly.  Pink horrors, SPLIT when slain into two lesser, but still dangerous, versions.  And my Doomweaver was now facing two slavering very hungry maws.

My Henchmen in the right flank fared much better despite being mostly equipped with daggers.  There was a ruined gatehouse outside, south of the three-story manor house and my archer had take up an overwatch position on what was essentially a two-story staircase.  Ben’s Leader Vampire, who has been much abused by injuries over the course of our games, creeped forwards to engage my archer but he was counter-ambushed by a nearby Darksoul, this one with proper weapons.  Ben’s ghoul attempted to jump up to the second floor (this melee was all taking place on the second floor) but based on the Vampire’s position, could not engage either of my troops.  

Luckily, with stunning blows, my archer (who carries a sword and shield just for this eventuality) and the Darksoul engaged the Vampire and were acquitting themselves handily.

A dagger armed Darksoul on the ground engaged Ben’s nearby Zombie sent in to support, but it was too late for me tactically.  At this time, I was trying to disengage from the dual Blue Horrors with my Doomweaver and retreat.  Didn’t matter. The Daemons tracked down the Doomweaver, ignoring Ben’s Skaven to the north, and tore the Hero apart.  Warband moral check failed; lessoned learned.

I was very happy when I learned my Magister Leader, Gnarr, returned home without additional loss. Then he promptly collapsed on the floor and died from his injuries.  Such is the power of Chaos. 

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