Sunday, September 4, 2022

5 Parsecs from Home Interlude

 The room was silent, save for the rhythmic wheezing of the breathing machine and the man’s inhalation and expulsion of his lit cigar.  Two men, sitting still as marble, were at repose in chairs facing the man, across from his authentic teak desk.  Eyes shut, the two were like twins in suits, giving off no sign of discomfort, metabolism or life. Dulled chrome feeder lines had been grafted into the men’s spinal columns, snaking from each man to input ports hidden in the shadows somewhere in the teakwood desk.

A holographic red triangle flared to life above the desk, pulsing and bobbing like a maniac faerie. Reams of data began to unfurl as from a majestic tapestry in translucent form in front of the man.  Planetary climate, Jump data, ship manifests, economic flow with the Exchange, psychohistory projections of police overreach, wanted posters, spacecraft transponder catalogues, closeup views of surveillance videos at space docks and bars.  The man exhaled and the scent of prima tobacco filled the room.  The red triangle pulsed and danced in expectation.  A door slid open with a whisper and a figure strode in.  Metal jangled from the figure’s belt and bandolier as he approached the desk, forming an uncouth counterpoint to the laboring of the respiratory device and the occasional puff of the cigar.   

“His location, you have it.” rumbled the figure. It was a statement, not a question.  The machines behind the man at the desk wheezed and shuddered.  The man flicked an accusatory finger at the figure. The holographic red triangle obeyed and skittered across the desk, disappearing at the edge.  The figure’s arm implants flared to life, a holographic cerulean triangle now hovering and pulsing with mischief above his forearm. The artificial glow illuminated the figure’s scarred face, reflected against the state-of-the-art optics in his left eye and was swallowed up by his broad brimmed black hat.  Data coursed past his artificial eye and across the holo display in his forearm.  The figure smiled, an uncomfortable and transient expression.

“Be seeing you” the figure stated, turning on his heel and rounding on the door.  The door remained sealed.  “What is—," the figure began, turning around.  One of the seated men’s eyes flew open, unleashing an emerald green glow, as his mouth worked, giving form to the syllables from dry lips. “Please, dear Tracker, take a squad of certified Guild Troopers with you. You will find them most capable in your endeavors.”

“I work alone,” growled the Bounty Tracker as his frame bristled. Totems and trophies jingled and jangled on his belt. “Renegotiation requires a commensurate increase in price.”

“Your terms are more than acceptable, good Tracker,” the green-eyed man said, spittle forming at the corner of his mouth. “The Syndicate insists.”

“Have them ready to board the Maculata in two standard hours,” the Bounty Tracker grunted, his cyber eye focusing on the image of a bearded face on his holo display. The whisper of the door disappearing into the celling was his only answer and he took the hint quickly.

Moments passed as the Bounty Tracker stalked off down the halls.  There was a faint hum in the room. Data was exchanged, plans were made, communications were correlated and finances were moved. In seconds a virtual snake had been assembled and was coiled to strike. “I shall oversee this personally,” the man with the glowing emerald eyes spoke as he reached up behind him and swiftly jerked the metal cord out of his hind brain.  There was a sickening squelching sound as neurons, silicon, flesh and blood vessels rearranged themselves. The man behind the desk smiled and the expression was mirrored on his cohort, now free of the umbilical. “We shall have Bjorn Ivannox in our hands within days.” None could say which man spoke this line or which man’s smile was wider.    


This interlude was preparation and introduction for the villains of the upcoming 5 Parsecs from Home After Action Report 2.  The Integrated Syndicate (name randomly chosen) is the criminal element Rival of both Captain Bjorn Ivannox and Anriel.  During squad creation I randomly rolled up a Rival that was a criminal element for both characters, so I decided that they were hunted by the same organization.  When I rolled for Rivals checks for the second campaign turn, I included two chances that the Integrated Syndicate would show up; one for Bjorn Ivannox and one for Anriel.  In preparation for the Battle Phase of the second campaign turn, I rolled up a Unique Individual, a Bounty Tracker, that was going to aid the Integrated Syndicate’s forces. 

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