Testimony Analysis
So what have we learned?
According to page 11 of the testimony (which I did not quote
last blog post) something called the “Colorado Case”, referred to by Angleton,
resulted in the “rupture” in the relationship between the CIA and the FBI, to
the point where the CIA could no longer rely on a supply of domestic
intelligence from the FBI. It is my
understanding that Mr. Hoover on behalf of the White House (Nixon) “in May of
1970 terminated the official liaison” (page 10). I believe the Mr. Hoover referred to on page
10 is one J. Edgar Hoover.
Pages 13, 20, and 21-22 paint a picture of a great deal of
domestic unrest in the summer of 1970.
Also, individuals in counterintelligence, at least at the CIA, that
suspected foreign involvement in domestic unrest appeared unable to verify
these potential domestic-foreign connections because they were working with
limited intelligence or just fully in the dark thanks to the rift with the FBI.
I suspect this may be an overexaggeration of the situation by Angleton, since
we are dealing with a spy and a bureaucrat talking, but I digress.
Excerpts from pages 26-27 describe the military’s actions to
gather intelligence, specifically from citizens. Mr. Johnson (Loch Johnson, special assistant
to the chair of the Senate Select Committee House Subcommittee on Intelligence
from 1975 to 1976) says specifically, “But isn’t it true that during this
period the military was under sever criticism for earlier civilian surveillance
programs?” and “To some degree the military was under public criticism for
being in the domestic intelligence gathering field.”
On pages 33 and 34 the NSA is discussed, specifically who or
what organizations could be on an NSA watch list in the early 1970s. Mr
Angleton’s comment, “Every participant [intelligence agency] is a consumer of
NSA product [intelligence]. And therefore they all have a an equal interest,
they all had a departmental interest in enhancing the coverage by NSA,”
suggests to me that thanks to the rift between the FBI and CIA, the CIA was
relying more on the NSA and it’s sources for intelligence, possibly to cover
the gaps that the loss of the FBI’s liaison caused.
The Delta Green Connection
So in the summer of 1970 and before, the alphabet agencies
were scrambling to regain their domestic surveillance capabilities after the
White House blinded them (for good reason)
In the Delta Green universe, this is very interesting. Most
Mythos cults in the US (ghouls, Deep Ones, etc..) operate domestic criminal
organizations of one shade or another.
Removing the FBI from domestic surveillance cripples
Angleton (page 21) “And more important, -- and I think this
is axiomatic -- that counter intelligence is about only as good as the
relations between the FBI and the CIA are.”
One can assume that Delta Green assets in 1970 in the CIA
and FBI are working with one hand behind their back, figuratively. Unless of
course, DG agents take circumspect action to illegally liaise with their
counterparts in other intelligence agencies. Or simply carry out illegal
domestic surveillance themselves and hope they do not get caught. Likely their
FBI/CIA case officer could not cover for those actions given the pressure
Hoover was under from the White House.
The tighter the noose around Delta Green’s operational neck,
the freer cults are to shout and kill and revel and enjoy themselves.
Delta Green USA Operational History (1968 - 1975)
What are Delta Green and US Mythos antagonists up to in the
years prior to and including 1975? I am going to highlight some of the major
points in the Delta Green Handlers Guide (2023) from pages 64 through 68.
22 APR 1968: MAJESTIC recruits CIA officer
Justin Kroft, its future director.
19 JAN 1969: In Operation LOOKING GLASS, Delta
Green airdrops 68 men into southeast Colombia. Only the commander, Maj. Walter
J. Greyman, escapes a cult of genital-sacrificing Shub-Niggurath worshippers.
19 JAN 1969: Dr. Abner Ringwood, cryptographic
studies chief at the NSA, is recruited by MAJESTIC to break the still
indecipherable alien signals intercepted by Project AQUARIUS 15 years
earlier. Project AQUARIUS is MAJESTIC’s
UFO investigations carried out by the NSA which was initiated on 18 DEC 1952.
30 OCT 1969: Club Apocalypse opens in New York
23 NOV 1969, Operation OBSIDIAN: The death of
300 Marines in a temple complex behind the Cambodian border, potentially could
expose Delta Green operations to the world.
24 JUL 1970: the Delta Green classification was
officially deactivated.
25 DEC 1971, Operation BINGO: the disbanded Delta
Green used US air strikes to hit every known Tcho-Tcho village and religious
30 NOV 1972: “The Bucket”, the spacecraft
recovered at Roswell, is briefly reactivated at Groom Lake by Project REDLIGHT.
It explodes, killing four MAJESTIC personnel. Justin Kroft’s opposition to
Project REDLIGHT earns him a MAJESTIC steering committee position not long
· 29 JUL 1975: Future MAJESTIC steering committee member, Gavin Ross is recruited from the CIA as a member of MAJESTIC’s enforcement arm, NRO DELTA.
Potential Adventure 1: Over the Moon or Mi-Go vs
Attempting to
synthesize the previous information into a whole that I could work with as a
scenario, I had the following ideas:
MAJESTIC’s Project AQUARIUS functionally became relevant in 1953 when it detected “odd signal noise originating from deep space.” On July 14, 1954, “MAJESTIC’s Project AQUARIUS briefs President Eisenhower on the odd signals it has detected, having determined that they are indecipherable fragments of intelligent and systematic communications originating from the moon and aimed at sites on the Earth and in high orbit. Eisenhower increases MAJESTIC’s budget, allowing a complete reorganization,” (Handler’s Guide, page 56).
Let us fast forwards in time for a moment and focus on the ideas of the intelligent signals originating from the moon and these signals being aimed at sites on Earth. We know in March 23, 1978 that “NSA’s Project AQUARIUS makes contact with the Greys through deep-space monitoring surveillance antennas, thanks to cryptographer Dr. Abner Ringwood,” (Handler’s Guide, page 68). We also know that Mi-Go use the Greys as their puppets and the Mi-Go have bases on the moon as well as Yuggoth (Pluto). Thus, let us assume that the Mi-Go are sending Earth these intelligent signals from the moon, possibly by using the moon as an amplifier for their signals from Pluto via moon bounce, or directly sending the signals from the moon to the Earth from a Mi-Go moon base.
The Mi-Go objective is to interface and control Earth
governments (MAJESTIC) that are sufficiently intelligent to interpret their
signal so that they can carry out alien activities on Earth with relative ease.
This will culminate in Mi-Go sending Greys to meet and negotiate with MAJESTIC
on October 31st 1980 and the signing of the “Accord” treaty, where
MAJESTIC sells out the USA and the human race for alien technology, (Handler’s
Guide, page 68).
My idea is that the Mi-Go desire to colonize and operate on the moon will not be unopposed. Time moves differently in the Dreamlands, but the moon is already occupied. Moon-beasts and the Men from Leng, their enslaved servants who once worshiped them, live on the Dark Side of the moon in the Dreamlands. The Moon-beasts hunger for more slaves, tribute and worship.
The second possibility that occurred to me starts with the
information that the Mi-Go bodies consist of a form of matter that does not
occur naturally on Earth. Maybe the Mi-Go bodies are multi-dimensional and
their bases on the moon partially overlap with the Dreamlands (another
dimension) and thus bother the Moon-beasts.
Alternatively, we are talking about aliens, so there is no urgent reason
for the Game Master to define this interaction; they can just leave it a
tantalizing mystery.
At any rate, on the Earth, I was thinking that the
Moon-beasts would use Men from Leng as catspaws while the Mi-Go would use human
cultists or biological constructs. For biological constructs I was considering
using Men In Black from ufology fame as the Mi-Go’s shadowy agents in the
Currently, my idea for the skeleton of the adventure plot is
as follows. Initially, Delta Green Agents must secure microfilm from an NSA
dead drop to prevent it from falling into MAJESTIC’s hands. They find that the location of the dead drop
is in New York City’s City Hall on the roof.
This all just happens to occur on May 8th of 1970s
right in the middle of an event called the Hard Hat Riot.
The Hard Hat Riot was a domestic upheaval in which “when
around 400 construction workers and around 800 office workers attacked around
1,000 demonstrators affiliated with the student strike of 1970. The students
were protesting the May 4 Kent State shootings and the Vietnam War, following
the April 30 announcement by President Richard Nixon of the U.S. invasion of
neutral Cambodia,” (Wikipedia).
The key points here are that New York City becomes a
madhouse with 20,000 people on the streets and City Hall surrounded. There is a
conflict on the roof of City Hall, in that the NY mayor ordered all City Hall
flags to be flown at half-staff to honor the Kent State University student’s
deaths which occurred on May 4, 1970. The counter-protestors (construction
workers and office workers) who held American flags, wanted the American flag
over the roof of City Hall to be flown at full mast. This resulted in a violent
conflict between anti-war students and counter-protestors.
I thought this would be an interesting environment to set a
Delta Green operation in. Get in and get out; just don’t die. Into this
environment will be Men from Leng Moon-beast agents who wear hard hats to hide
their horns and who target the Delta Green agents because they do not want the
Mi-Go signals on the NSA microfilm to be obtained by government officials,
Delta Green or MAJESTIC. Thank you
Dragoleaf for the hard hat idea!
Now what is on the NSA microfilm? As a reminder, the Mi-Go
sent “indecipherable fragments of intelligent and systematic communications
originating from the moon and aimed at sites on the Earth and in high orbit.” Since the Mi-Go wanted to open communications
with an official Earth government (or likely multiple governments), I think
that the Earth sites that are being targeted from the moon are areas of
concentrated civilization with political rivalries. These would be Washington DC, Moscow, London,
Beijing, New Delhi, Berlin, and Tokyo.
That is about as far as I have gotten with this scenario idea, but I also possibly wanted to include foreign agents, difficulties between the FBI and the other intelligence agencies, and some kinetic conflict with MAJESTIC, but we will see.
In the Delta Green Mythos, The Great Race and the entities
known as the Lloigor are at vicious odds. Allow me to quote my own summary from a previous blog post.
“In the Delta Green Handlers Guide on page 149 there is
described a temporal war between The Great Race and the Lloigor. To summarize the war, these two Mythos
factions want either a radioactive future earth where a species of giant
beetles dominate the planet, the Great Race’s desired outcome; or a sinister
future human empire called “Tsan-Chan” to rise on Earth in approximately 5000
CE, the Lloigor’s objective. The
Lloigor’s objective is seemingly in direct conflict with the Great Race’s plans
for a massive human nuclear war, as the Handler’s Guide says.”
If there was a possibility for humanity to gain a
preventative measure against global nuclear war then The Great Race would be
against it, and immediately deploy their cultists, The Motion, to interdict it.
What is sinister Tsan-Chan? In Lovecraft’s Beyond the Wall of Sleep, there is a conversation with an undefined cosmic star-like
creature and the narrator. The cosmic entity says, “we are all roamers of vast
spaces and travellers in many ages. Next year I may be dwelling in the dark
Egypt which you call ancient, or in the cruel empire of Tsan-Chan which is to
come three thousand years hence”.
This simple line from HPL has stimulated a great deal of imagination. There is a Chaosium supplement for Call of Cthulhu called The Cruel Empire of Tsan Chan (2010) where Tsan-Chan is detailed in terrible and desperate terms. On the old Delta Green website, David Tormsen created the fan faction “the Collectors of the Long Vaults” about time-traveling agents from Tsan-Chan that show up to capture human psychics from the past (our modern age), kill them, turn them into essential salts, and reanimate them in the future in Tsan-Chan where they are needed in the fight against Mythos creatures that threaten the cruel empire.
Dovetailing with this, author Fee Fi Fo Fin further detailed
these Tsan-Chan time-traveling agents (calling them Men in Black and Grey Men)
and expanded on the other resources the cruel empire has in the modern
day. Notably, Fee proposes the idea that
there is a sliver of the future timeline where Tsan-Chan exists without The
Great Race’s interference. This timeline sliver is called The Narrow Way
If there was a technology to fully protect a civilization from nuclear weapons then the servants of the Lloigor, the cruel empire of Tsan-Chan, would strongly support it by changing the timeline to preserve or bolster the anti-nuclear technology.
My scenario idea is that there is a US mathematician, code
named Gyre, who has been working on equations to generate an anti-nuclear
radiation force field. These valuable equations are code named Gimble. Delta Green (for some reason I have not
figured out yet) is deployed to protect Gyre and Gimble as they move from one
place to an elite mathematics conference.
At this conference the Delta Green agents will be made aware of the
anti-nuclear significance of Gyre and Gimble, and the importance of this work to
the USA and humanity as a whole. Then
they have to protect Gyre and Gimble (or perhaps make a decision between
protecting Gyre or Gimble) from the deadly cultists of The Great Race, known as
The Motion, who will stop at nothing to eliminate Gyre and Gimble from the
timestream. Time-traveling agents from
Tsan-Chan will assist Delta Green, at first subtly then kinetically, with
battling The Motion’s assassins. Where
this ends or how I fit in the alphabet intelligence agencies or events from the
1970s I have not identified yet.
Since Potential Adventure 1 involved MAJESTIC, I did not want Potential Adventure 2 to involve that organization. Variety being the spice of life and all. However, if I wanted to have an easter-egg link to MAJESTIC I could reference The Courtis Papers (Handler’s Guide, page 157) being a basis for the Gimble, the anti-nuclear radiation force field equations. Dr Courtis wrote The Courtis Papers in 1949, derived from working on the alien craft, codenamed the Bucket (Handler’s Guide, pages 52-53).
So those are the ideas that have been bouncing in my head regarding the scenario contest and my three chosen themes: “Set between 1970-1989”, “Conflict between mythos monsters, DG in the middle”, and “Hook does not involve a murder or a dead body”. I am pretty happy that both potential adventures 1 and 2 do not depend on ho-hum boring murders. So, I am in the clear there. The second potential adventure would need more thought to place it somewhen interesting in the 1970s, and I want to add more 1970s flavor, for example relevant plot points and important encounters, to both potential adventures. “Conflict between mythos monsters, DG in the middle” I think is represented well in both possible adventures, but I want to make sure I just don’t make one side the “good” aliens and the other the “bad” aliens. That is boring. Both sides are aliens and thus do not have humanity’s best interest in mind. Actions and themes of both alien factions should reflect that. Next blog posts on this subject I expect I will be sharpening hooks, building up plot skeletons and possibly be detailing NPCs.